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What Does the Acidity in Wines Mean?

Remember Your Wine Labels

· wine labels,gift labels,remember your wine
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When a newcomer to the world of wines explores the community, they come across different terms and expressions. While seasoned wine enthusiasts do understand these terms and expressions, newcomers often struggle with them. One such term is acidity. It’s often used to describe the qualities of the wine but some drinkers don’t understand what it means in this context. Here’s a brief explanation of the term.

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What is Acidity?

Even people who have never consumed a sip of wine will know what acidity feels like on the palate. Many day-to-day ingredients have this tart, refreshing property. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, etc., are acidic and their tart and sharp flavor is an indication of that acidity.

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People who love that zesty tartness in their drinks love acidic wines. Wines that are described as crisp, refreshing, and bright have high levels of acidity.

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All Wines are Slightly Acidic

The level of acidity can vary from one wine to another but all wines have some acidity in them. Even the smoothest and mellowest of wines like Cabernet Sauvignon has a slight hint of acidity. This creates a good balance and ensures all flavors and properties of the wine blend in well together. Wines that have little to no acidity are described as flat and most people don’t enjoy them.

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White Wines are More Acidic

As mentioned above, all wines have some level of acidity in them but white wines tend to be more refreshing and acidic than red wines. In white wines, the acidity is the dominant quality while in red wines, tannins are the dominant quality. While some reds are fairly acidic, they’re generally deep and a little more complex.

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Other terms to explore are tannins, wine body, wine legs, etc. Once an enthusiast understands these terms, they can understand wine labels reviews and articles on the matter.

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